Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/1/10 Chapel -- Rev. Ashlee Alley

On December 1, 2010, Rev. Ashlee Alley spoke at chapel. Her message had a Christmas twist in order to celebrate the season in the last chapel of the semester! She spoke about the Magi in the Christmas story, and reminded students to think about what they really want for Christmas. With Advent in session, she reminded the students to look for true Peace, Love, Joy and Hope in the Christmas season. To listen, click here.

11/17/10 Chapel -- Rev. David Smith

On November 17, 2010, Rev. David Smith of Winfield FUMC spoke at chapel. He titled his message "Living a Life of Thrill" and reminded the SC community that faith in Jesus is thrilling! With that said, there is no room for apathy -- a good reminder in the midst of a busy semester. To listen, click here.

11/10/10 Chapel -- Rev. Kim Rea

On November 10, 2010, Rev. Kim Rea of Salina spoke at chapel. Kim reiterated the importance of community to our Southwestern audience and encouraged SC to continue building community with one another. To listen, click here.