Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapel 4/14/10 -- Rev. Angela DeFisher

On April 14, 2010, the Rev. Angela DeFisher spoke at chapel and challenged the SC community to be conscious of social justice and mercy. She also spoke about honoring the dreams of those around us by reaching out and acting as the body of Christ. To listen to her message, click here!

Chapel 4/7/10 -- Rodney Worsham

On April 7, 2010 Rodney Worsham spoke at chapel and reminded the SC community to not be an "Almost". Curious about this message? Check it out here!

Chapel 3/31/10 -- Rev. Stephen Sours

On March 31, 2010, Rev. Stephen Sours spoke at chapel during Holy Week. The chapel community then celebrated communion together to commemorate the Last Supper. To listen, click here!